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For One Campus Resident, Halloween is Always a Little More Sweet

Our writer expresses her love of autumn and Halloween, and why this holiday is always a little extra special

Every year, it seems that the excitement of Halloween is everywhere, with chatter and joy buzzing round and round. I was getting ready for this wonderful and spooky holiday to arrive once again.

The beautiful autumn season is just spectacular. The leaves falling to the ground in the most gentle way, the enjoyable fall colours, the enchanting aroma of pumpkins in all forms, the pumpkin patches, the pumpkin pie, and so much more.

For me, there’s one more special event on Halloween. No, it is not anything super important for others, but for me, it’s the day that I grow. Not in height (hoping though, with fingers crossed!) but in age.

Yes, this year on October 31, I turned 13. I was over the moon excited for it to happen. For one, I finally was able to download an app for school, and two, I’m now the same age as some of my friends. It feels like eternity that I have been 12-years-old, but I know that it hasn’t. I’m excited for the things a new age will bring me.

Everyone I told that my birthday is on Halloween told me that I was lucky, or were just shocked. Sure, it’s nice to have it on Halloween, but there are many sides to a Halloween birthday. One, I’m never able to really hang out with my friends on the actual day because they’re busy. Two, sometimes my own sister doesn’t want to spend a lot of time with me on my birthday. No hate to her, don’t get me wrong, I understand that she loves trick or treating. I love her, but I guess it just made me feel bad.

This year, I was excited for the Halloween events at Westbrook Community Centre with all the resident areas around us. I loved everyone’s imagination and creativity on display.

Seeing the wonderful, spooky costumes, the “trick or treating” tradition keeping kids busy knocking on door after door as families open their doors for kids saying, “Hi, Happy Halloween!” And of course, sharing candy, chocolate, cookies and even toys and school supplies. It’s a day when kids connect with community residents, together as a big whole family.

It is such an inspirational holiday and my love for it is endless. Another wonderful memory. Looking forward to next year. Boo!

Happy birthday to me. It will be a good year, having fun and working hard!


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